Become a Waterman
Thank you for your interest. Your involvement is significant to the success of our tournament and fundraising efforts by way of angler participation and purchase of raffle tickets.
Platinum Level Sponsorship - $2,000.00
Entry fee for three (3) teams (6 anglers), dinner at awards ceremony for 6 anglers, 6 raffle tickets, 6 Waterman Tournament shirts, 6 TBWK hats.
Recognition in Waterman Tournament marketing, tournament website, TBWK e-newsletter mailing, and during awards ceremony. Option to set up a marketing table at awards ceremony/dinner.
Multiple Facebook and Instagram individual highlights on TBWK social media accounts including recorded video of sponsor representative speaking to the sponsor’s business and importance of clean water in Tampa Bay.
Full day (8hr) flats fishing trip for 2 anglers with Captain Dustin Pack, TBWK Board
Member (value $650) (scheduled at mutually agreeable time with Capt. Dustin Pack).
Gold Level Sponsorship - $1,000.00
Entry fee for two (2) teams (4 anglers), dinner at awards ceremony for 4 anglers, 4 raffle tickets, 4 Waterman Tournament shirts, 4 TBWK hats.
Recognition in Waterman Tournament marketing, tournament website, TBWK e-newsletter mailing. Option to set up a marketing table at awards ceremony/dinner.
Multiple Facebook and Instagram individual highlight on TBWK accounts.
Silver Level Sponsorship - $750.00
Entry fee for one (1) team (2 anglers), dinner for 2 anglers, 2 raffle tickets, 2 Waterman
Tournament shirts, 2 TBWK hats. -
Recognition in Waterman Tournament marketing, tournament website, TBWK e-newsletter mailing.
Facebook and Instagram individual highlight on TBWK social media accounts.
Product Sponsor
Companies/Individuals have the option of donating items/products for the awards ceremony raffle. The company/individual will be recognized for the donated item/product as the raffle item is introduced and awarded. The company/individual donating the items/products will also be recognized as a product sponsor in marketing materials and
social media. -
Depending upon the value of the product donated, complimentary entry fee to the tournament and/or additional recognition may be available.