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Trademark Metals Recycling

Trademark Metals Recycling

Tampa Bay Waterkeeper joined neighboring Suncoast Waterkeeper and Our Children's Earth Foundation in bringing a Citizens Suit in Federal Court to enforce the Clean Water Act against Trademark Metals Recycling, a major recycler and exporter of scrap metal in Florida and beyond.  We found violations of stormwater regulations at several of Tradmark's facilities in the region, impacting local waterways in the Tampa and Sarasota Bay estuaries.  Florida is far behind other states in regulating industrial stormwater and has an almost non-existent record of enforcement of the regulations that do govern these polluting sites.  In the absence of State enforcement, we stepped up.  Fortunately, Trademark appears to be stepping up as well, as an industry leader and is working collaboratively with us to resolve the case and make improvements at their facilities.  We anticipate a successful resolution of this case without significant litigation.


Please follow this link for the docket entries.

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Tampa Bay Waterkeeper is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving, preserving and protecting Tampa Bay's watershed.


T: (813) 563-9882


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